Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Jan 25, 2008

Transportation in Bandung

Bandung is the capital city of West Java province in Indonesia. The cold weather, factory outlet, shopping center, culinary and the youth spirit makes this city become famous. But now this 'flower city' is getting crowded especially in weekend. Traffic jam happened all over the place.
Bandung's streets aren't wide enough to accommodate people using car. That's why I prefer using motorcycle, for me motorcycle is the most proper vehicle in Bandung, it consumed less space than car.
I was thought that spaces at the street are consumed by the car's dimension, especially for car with 2 people inside, what a waste! Rest of the 'unused' space could be used by motorcycle.
Cars consumed more fuel than motorcycle. For the same distance, motorcycles are more economical and could save more energy.

Now one of automotive company in India, "TATA", has launch a city car with lower price, only US$2500, in rupiah is about Rp 23.750.000,- (US$ 1 = Rp 9.500,-). In Indonesia, with the same price, we can buy a Honda Tiger Revolution motorcycle, what a very cheap car!

This car (named TATA Nano),is designed for mid-low segmentation and if this cars are put into market in Indonesia it will give more impact for this country.
For me, this country is not ready to accept this kind of 'cheap' cars, the streets, the infrastructure and the lack of self-discipline of Indonesian citizen are still become the main issue.
But, people still have right to make an option and other opinion...

What are considerations we have to make a decision on buying a vehicle? For me, they are transportability, comfortability, and unitability. I don’t think that the type, brand, and price are matter. A vehicle must have the ability to transport the owner(s) from a place to another. The trip must make people on/in it feel comfort, even if it take a full day or more. And last, people should be able to share their love and caring on/in it.
It doesn’t make any sense for me to buy a very luxurious car if it only fit a person or two.
That’s all. Simple, right?

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