Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sep 21, 2007

Criteria for Becoming a CISA

Terjemahan dari judul di atas adalah "Kriteria untuk menjadi CISA".
Sementara CISA sendiri merupakan singkatan dari Certified Information System Auditor.

Akhir-akhir ini saya sedang tertarik untuk mempelajari tentang sertifikasi ini, karena memang sudah ada keinginan untuk memiliki sertifikasi. Nah, kriteria apa saja yang dibutuhkan untuk menjadi CISA? Berikut adalah jawaban yang saya ambil dari buku "The CISA Prep Guide" oleh John B. Kramer.

Criteria for Becoming a CISA
CISA certification is a process of assessing individuals for their skills and
judgment related to IS audit, control, and security. In addition to passing
the exam, the candidate must submit evidence of five (5) years of experience
in the professional practice of IS audit, control, or security. Substitution
and waivers of such experience may also be obtained that will apply
to this five-year experience requirement as follows:
- A maximum of one year of experience may be substituted for
- One year of other audit experience
- One year of information systems experience and/or An associate's degree (60 semester college credits or its equivalent)
- Two of the required five years of experience may be substituted for a bachelor's degree (120 semester college credits or its equivalent).
- One year of IS audit, control, or security experience may be substituted for each two years of experience as a full-time university instructor in a related field (e.g., computer science, accounting, IS auditing) with no maximum limitation to the two for one experience year substitution.
All related experience submitted as evidence for the certification as an IS
auditor must have been gained within the ten years preceeding the application
for certification or within five years from the date the candidate initially
passed the exam. Individuals may choose to take and pass the CISA
exam prior to meeting the experience requirements but will not be
awarded the CISAdesignation until all the requirements are met. All experience
will be independently verified with employers.

Nah, ternyata nggak gampang juga untuk dapetin CISA.
Waktunya berpikir....


Anonymous said...

tampaknya dirimu mau meyakinkanku buat melupakan mimpi CISA ya??
:( :(

Guntur said...

Bukan buat melupakan.. Cuma menunjukkan bahwa untuk mendapat CISA ndak gampang... harus ekstra effort aja. Masi berani kan? Yuk tak temenin...

Kesya Mekka said...

mau info tentang cisa Lagi dong....

soalnya kemaren kesya diKampus Ada Workshop Gitu trus Pembicaranya Dari Ernest&Young GeLarnya Kalo Gak Salah CISA CIA Itu Sama Gak Ya?